I initially came into contact with your product in the spring of 2004 when I became engaged by a local contractor to work hands on as a prominent military installation here in Alaska. The contract scope spanned Above and Below Ground Fuel Storage Tanks, Oil Water Separators and Various Facility Grease Traps supported by Automatic Liquid Proportioning Pumps. A requirement of this contract is to provide monthly cleaning of the grease traps and to daily inject an enviro-friendly grease reduction/cutting agent ahead of the grease trap unit. When the contract changed hands in 2006 I was employed by the gaining contractor.
The automatic liquid proportioning pumps are located at various facilities around the installation such as the Military Mall’s food court (5 locations), child development and care facilities (3 locations), Burger King and A&W Root Beer/Godfather’s Pizza restaurants, the two main military dining halls as well as the NCO and Officer’s clubs. In total there are 22 locations that are serviced monthly. Because of the support you and your company provided on the initial contract made my decision to continue utilizing your company and its product a simple one.
My association with your firm, United-Tech, Inc. and the BZT product continues to aid in the annual renewal of our contract. Your BZT microbial product along with continued support of your proprietary product design continues to provide sustainable and predictable results for our clients by preventing clogging due to excessive grease build up in the waste drain system and costly visits to each site to clean clogged drain lines.
Thank you again for your help and support.
Best Regards